SEB Wins Webber Smackdown Volleyball Tourney Title


Published on September 30 2024 8:44 am
Last Updated on September 30 2024 8:52 am
Written by Millie Lange

St. Elmo/Brownstown is the champion of the Webber Smackdown Volleyball Tournament.

BLUFORD -- St. Elmo/Brownstown claimed the championship of the Webber Smackdown Volleyball Tournament Saturday.

SEB had a first round bye then won over Cobden. The Eagles lost the opener 25-13 but came back to take the next two sets 25-21, 15-13 for the match.

SEB was led by Cordelia Lytle with two aces, Peyton Barker with six kills, Addie Sasse with 17 assists and Maya Barker with 14 digs.

Meanwhile, South Central won over Meridian, 25-13, 25-7. The Cougars then downed Webber Township, 23-25, 25-22, 16-14 to advance to the championship match against St. Elmo/Brownstown.

The Cougars were led in the Meridian victory by Zoey Feldhake with three aces, Jalynn Mitchell with seven digs, Reagan Roberts with nine assists and Lauren Johnson with six kills.

In the match against Webber Township, Mitchell led in digs with 26, Bailey Wodtka, Kinlee Thompson, Mya Schaal and Johnson with five kills each. River Yingst had 11 assists. Thompson had two blocked shots

The two National Trail Conference teams squared off in the championship match. South Central won the opening set 25-13. St. Elmo/Brownstown then came back to take the next set 25-21 and finished out with a 15-13 victory for the title.

The Eagles were led by Sasse and M. Barker with two aces each. Presley Williams had eight kills. Sasse had one blocked shot and led in assists with 14. M. Barker had 12 digs.

South Central was led in the title match by Wodtka in kills with seven, Kyra Swift in aces with two, Roberts and River Yingst in assists with 10 each and Yingst in digs with 11.

Webber Smackdown Tournament

St. Elmo/Brownstown

Vs. Cobden -- Lytle, 2 aces, 3 kills, 1 assist, 3 digs; Wilhour, 1 assist; Sasse, 1 ace, 1 kill, 17 assists, 6 digs; Williams, 4 kills, 4 digs; M. Barker, 14 digs; Claycomb, 4 kills; P. Barker, 6 kills, 7 digs

Vs. South Central -- Lytle, 1 kill, 11 digs; Wilhour, 5 assists; Sasse, 2 aces, 1 blocked shot, 14 assist, 7 digs; Williams, 1 ace, 8 kills, 1 dig; M. Barker, 2 aces, 12 digs; Claycomb, 1 kill, 1 dig; P. Barker, 4 kills, 3 digs; Austin, 2 digs; Strobel, 3 kills, 1 dig

South Central

Vs. Meridian -- Mitchell, 2 aces, 7 digs; Wodtka, 2 kills; Swift, 2 aces, 2 digs; Schaal, 2 aces, 3 kills, 2 digs; Roberts, 4 kills, 9 assists; Johnson, 6 kills, 1 dig; Yingst, 2 aces, 1 kill, 8 assists; Feldhake, 3 aces, 3 digs; Holmes, 2 kills

Vs. Webber -- Mitchell, 1 ace, 26 digs; Wodtka, 5 kills, 4 digs; Swift, 3 aces, 6 digs; Peddicord, 18 digs; Thompson, 5 kills, 2 blocks, 3 digs; Schaal, 2 aces, 5 kills, 3 digs; Roberts, 2 kills, 7 assists, 11 digs; Johnson, 5 kills, 4 digs; Yingst, 2 aces, 11 assists, 15 digs; Sigrist, 4 digs; Rose, 1 kill, 2 digs; Feldhake, 11 digs; Conant, 1 dig

Vs. St. Elmo/Brownstown -- Mitchell, 1 ace, 1 kill, 8 digs; Wodtka, 7 kills, 2 digs; Swift, 2 aces, 9 digs; Peddicord, 1 ace, 3 digs; Thompson, 2 kills, 1 dig; Schaal, 5 kills, 5 digs; Roberts, 1 kill, 10 assists, 8 digs; Johnson, 5 kills, 4 digs; Yingst, 1 ace, 2 kills, 10 assists, 11 digs; Sigrist, 2 digs; Feldhake, 1 dig