Registration Open For Virtual IHSA Officials Conference


Published on May 20 2021 6:38 am
Last Updated on May 20 2021 6:39 am

The Illinois High School Association is excited to announce its first-ever virtual Officials Conference, which will take place July 12-31, 2021.

Registration is now open for the event. For the conference schedule, session list, and to register, visit

The virtual conference concept is a buffet-style event where officials pay one price and can take advantage of as many sessions and sports as they'd like over the course of two weeks.

Officials will be able to:

Learn from keynote presenters about a variety of big-picture topics related to officiating.

Earn IHSA clinic credit in at least 12 different sports, including sports that are not normally featured at our in-person conference. 

Multi-sport officials will be able to earn clinic credit in all of their sports.

Gain knowledge from mini-sessions in multiple sports.

Learn more about sports they do not currently officiate, but may be interested in starting. Many of the clinics and sessions will be pre-recorded and available throughout the two-week conference duration. Officials can select the clinics and presentations they want to watch at any time during those two weeks.

Officials from Chicago to Cairo, Quincy to Danville…and everywhere in between will be able to learn the same information from the convenience of their own home or office.

Conference agenda:

Monday, July 12 @ 7:00pm - Live Session with the IHSA's Sam Knox and Craig Anderson

Tuesday, July 13 @ 7:00pm – Live Session with Referee Magazine/NASO

Wednesday, July 14 @ 7:00pm – Live Session with Jude KiahThursday, July 15 @ 7:00pm – Live Session with the IESA's Steve Endsley and Nicole Schaefbauer

For more on the clinics and sessions, or to register, visit

Information from

The Illinois High School Association (IHSA), in partnership with, will be hosting their annual officiating conference, starting July 12, 2001 and running through July 31, 2021.  Due to the pandemic, the conference will be streamed virtually here at

During the conference period, officials will be able to attend as many clinics as they wish for IHSA clinic credit.  In addition, sport mini-sessions will be available giving all officials the extra education in their sport and the ability to check out a new sport or two.  The conference will also feature Live Keynote Sessions will take place @ 7:00pm on July 12th, 13th, 14th, & 15th with new speakers each evening.  The cost of the conference is $50.  Please click the "subscribe" button below, create a profile, click "membership" at the top of the page then select "IHSA Virtual Officials Conference" to register.

Here is the conference agenda:

Monday, July 12 @ 7:00pm - Live Session with Sam Knox and Craig Anderson

Tuesday, July 13 @ 7:00pm – Live Session with Referee/NASO

Wednesday, July 14 @ 7:00pm – Live Session with Jude Kiah

Thursday, July 15 @ 7:00pm – Live Session with Steve Ensley and Nicole Schaefbauer

Pre-Recorded Clinics:

Baseball, Basketball, Track & Field, Cheerleading, Volleyball, Dance, Wrestling, Soccer, Boys Gymnastics, Softball, Girls Gymnastics

Pre-Recorded Mini-Sessions:

New and Beginning Officials: Laurie Jordan and Sam Knox

Delegates Meeting: Sam Knox

Climbing the IHSA Ladder: Sam Knox


1.    The Nation’s Best Pre-Game

2.    Video Review


1.    3 Steps to Coach Ejection

2.    Keep the Game Moving

3.    Working the Plate


1.    Line Up Management

2.    Advancing the Right Way


1.    Communicating & Supporting as an R2

2.    Presenting Players Number in Volleyball


1.    Outside the Lines

2.    Scott Kerr - Speaker

3.   Jason Gray - Speaker


1.    Musicality Matters

2.    Terri Valentine


1.    Sara Flanigan - Speaker

2.    Angie Wilmington - Speaker


1.     John Anderson - Speaker

Track & Field:

1.    Jason Gray- Speaker

2.    Jamero Rainey - Speaker


1.    Roy Snyder - Speaker

2.    Mike Hurckes - Speaker
** IHSA clinic credit will not be issued until early August after the conference has concluded.