The St. Elmo Labor Day Weekend Event will be held Saturday, September 5 through Monday, September 7.
Monday Activities include:
6-9:30 a.m. -- Pancake breakfast at the Firehouse
9 a.m. -- Concession stands, flea markets, booths open, pony rides all day.
10:30 a.m. -- Parade begins. Line up at high school at 9 a.m. Route -- south on Walnut, east on Second, north on Main and turn east on Fourth. Parade ends at bank. $2 early entry fee, $5 entry fee day of parade
Noon-6 p.m. -- Dunking booth and inflatables
12:30 p.m. -- Parade winners will be announced at 5th and Main streets
1-5 p.m. -- Bingo at the corner of 5th and Main streets, sponsored by SEBA.
5 p.m. -- St. Elmo Lion's Cakewalk
6:15 p.m. -- Announcement of Citizen of the Year
6:30-9:30 p.m. -- Straight Lace band at 5th and Main streets
8 p.m -- SEBA 50/50 drawing will be held. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Need not be present to win.
Proceeds to go to St. Elmo Lions Club Scholarship Fund.