The Outreach and Witness Team of Centenary United Methodist Church is preparing a breakfast on Sunday, June 29 for everyone to support the summer mission trip to Henderson, KY. Everyone is invited to the Fellowship Hall during the Sunday School hour beginning at 10 a. m. for scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, fresh fruit, juice and milk. The breakfast is free, but will have a basket to donations to support the group going to Henderson.
The Mission Team has three jobs this year. They will be replacing windows, building a shed, and skirting a trailer. Please keep our mission team in your prayers as they will be showing Christ and becoming the difference for families there the week of July 6 -12.
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend the breakfast and show your support for the Mission Trippers this year.
Also mark your calendar for July 6 thru 12 to prayer for them as they show Christ and become the difference in the community they will be serving in.