Local Sports Calendar

Local Sports Calendar

Trivia Contest

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Saturday, February 22, 2014by millie.lange

There will be a Trivia Contest held Saturday, February 22 at First Baptist Church in Effingham. The church sits on the corner of Fayette and Banker by the overpass and underpass. This trivia contest was originally held at St. Anthony's Hospital Auditorium. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $10 per person or $80 for a table of eight. Participants are welcome to bring their own snacks. Soft drinks and water will be available for purchase during the event. The money will go to benefit the Calvary Baptist Food Pantry.

To reserve a table, email Millie Lange at millie@thexradio.com or Mary Holle at mary.holle@effinghamdailynews.com.
