Local Sports Calendar
Local Sports Calendar
Annual Strasburg Lions Club Trivia Night |
Strasburg Lions Club will host Trivia Night Saturday, January 25 beginning at 7 p.m. Up to eight players per team - $80 per team if paid before January 20. $100 if paid the night of the trivia. The event will be held at Stew-Stras High School Gym (new sound system) 10 rounds of trivia with 10 questions in each round. Cash prizes awarded for first, second, and third places, and 50/50 drawing.
If you have questions, email Justin Krile at krileauction@gmail.com. Please send checks and team name with list of team members to Justin Krile. 409 Spruce St., Strasburg, IL 62465. Make checks payable to: Strasburg Lions Club.