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Fundraising Banquet for Family Life Center

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Thursday, September 12, 2024by bdust

birthday flc sept 2024 850

Family Life Center, with locations in Effingham, Newton, and Shelbyville, is having their Annual Fundraising Banquet on Thursday, September 12th at the Keller Convention Center in Effingham.  This is our largest fundraising event, with the anticipated crowd this year to top 600!!

Our guest speaker will be Mike G. Williams.  Mike is a nationally-known speaker and writer who has a passion for life.  He is heard daily on national radio, and has recorded numerous comedy projects and written fourteen books.  Included in those books are Men Moved to Mars When Women Started Killing the Ones on Venus and Love Is NOT A Three-Letter Word (A New Look at Abstinence).  His own personal adoption story and the rescue and subsequent adoption of his son will move you to tears of great joy.

If you wish to attend the banquet, RSVP by calling the office at 217-342-5433.  You can also sign up online at https://forms.gle/MSjNo9TAJKx3Tffe8.
