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Coles County Chorus Summer Show Afterglow Dinner

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Saturday, June 08, 2024by bdust

Please join us for dinner and an intimate mini concert at Wesley United Methodist Church, 2206 4th Street in Charleston, after the summer show on Saturday, June 8th.

If you are hungry for more Barbershop music and dinner, then join us for an afterglow dinner.  It is a chance to hear a quartet sing up-close and personal, and have a great meal in a relaxed atmosphere.  We plan to start at about 6pm.  Our guest quartet, Center Ring will be performing as well as other quartets.  You can relax and enjoy a great meal, meet the singers of CCC and Center Ring, and who knows, maybe you can join in and do a little singing as well!

The afterglow will be on June 8th at 6pm @ Wesley United Methodist Church.  The cost for the dinner and afterglow entertainment is just $20.  Tickets must be purchased in advance and before May 27th. 

Please note – tickets for the afterglow are not available at the Doudna Box Office.  To purchase your tickets, you can contact any Coles County Chorus member, call 618-335-9237, email cniehausacusd@gmail.com, or visit our website to fill out an online form.  We will contact you and make arrangements to get tickets to you and receive your payment.

We hope to share a meal with you and share some music as well.
