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Local Sports Calendar

Red Cross Blood Drives in May

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Tuesday, May 07, 2024by bdust

Upcoming Red Cross Blood Drives

May 2, Altamont High School, 7 South Ewing, 8:15-2:00

May 7, Teutopolis Banquet Hall, 210 South Pearl, 12:30-5:30

May 10, Cornerstone Church, 3600 South Banker Street, Effingham, 1:30-5:30

May 15, Altamont Elementary School, 407 South Edwards, 2:30-6:30

May 20, Ingraham Community Building, 153 County Road 1608 North, Ingraham, 1:30-5:30

May 21, First Baptist Church, 213 West Fayette Avenue, Effingham, 1:00-5:00

May 22, Dieterich Bank, 300 Sur Woods Drive, Effingham, 11:00-3:00

May 28, Effingham Event Center, 1501 West Fayette Avenue, 2:00-6:00

May 30, Greenup Village Building, 115 East Cumberland Street, 12:30-5:30


To make an appointment, visit RedCrossBlood.org, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), or download the Red Cross Blood Donor App.
