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Historical Lecture: F.A.C.E. - 50 Years

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Thursday, February 08, 2024by bdust

News Release:  Effingham County Museum Historical Lecture

The subject of the Effingham County Museum’s historical presentation this month is “F.A.C.E. - 50 Years.”  The public is invited to gather on the second floor of the Effingham County Museum, at 7:00p.m. on Thursday, February 8th, for another in the Museum’s history lecture series.  

Nancy Liss will be the presenter, telling the audience about the organization named F.A.C.E. (Fine Arts County of Effingham).  Originated in 1974, this prominent organization was formed by “individuals who felt a desire for artistic expression and wished to join with others in performing and advancing the overall awareness of the arts.”  After creating a campaign to promote and encourage the development of drama, painting, music, and dance in the Effingham area, a not-for-profit organization governed by a board of directors from the Effingham County area, was created and has been carrying out its original objectives for fifty years.  It is a fascinating story.

As always, the lecture series is sponsored by the Effingham County Cultural Center and Museum Association, Inc., an organization devoted to the preservation of the history of the county.  

The public is encouraged to attend to learn more about local history.  

There is no admission charge.
