The Effingham Polar Plunge is located at Lake Sara on Saturday March 4, 2017 at Noon. The Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge® is a unique opportunity to support Special Olympics athletes by taking a flying leap – a leap into the frigid waters of an Illinois lake. Participants raise at least $100 in donations from friends, family and co-workers in exchange for jumping into the icy waters in the middle of winter. Each plunger receives a Polar Plunge sweatshirt and entrance into a Post-Plunge Party, plus the chance to win additional prizes for raising more money. All proceeds collected by Plungers benefit Special Olympics Illinois athletes. In 2016, nearly $1.9 million was raised by 6,480 plungers. In 18 years, $16.4 million has been raised by more than 60,000 plungers! Attire: Anything but a wet suit. Shoes are recommended and costumes are encouraged. Don’t forget a towel with which to dry off! No head-first diving is allowed!