Local charmer, Joe Fender, lived in Clark and Coles counties from 1897 to 1973. Family farming was his early education about work and industry. The Greenwood School, Westfield College, and EIU contributed to his interest in teaching, horse and buggy transportation and documenting his life and experiences in multiple self-published books. He was later known for his business ventures in Charleston. Learn about another interesting “character” from this area. Wednesday, November 16, 2016 Noon-1:30pm Bob’s Bookstore 601 Monroe Avenue Charleston, IL 61920 **This event is FREE and open to the public! **Please register by 11/15/16. For further information, visit https://www.eiu.edu/adulted/all.php or contact: Marita Metzke, Program Coordinator Academy of Lifelong Learning Eastern Illinois University 217-581-5114