St. A Strength & Agility Enhancement Program


Published on May 20 2015 12:37 pm
Last Updated on May 20 2015 12:37 pm
Written by Millie Lange

St. Anthony Strength and Agility Enhancement Program will begin Monday, June 8. The camp is directed by boYs head basketball coach Cody Rincker.

The program will be held at St. Anthony High School and cost is $90 per child which is $5 per session. Athletes will gain knowledge of proper weightlifting techniques. Also they will gain power, speed and agility from workouts. Workouts are design to fit each indivdual's strength level.

Any athlete or non-athlete entering ninth grade to any athlete or non-athlete entering 12th grade in the fall of 2015 may attend. The program is every Moday, Wednesday and Friday finishing July 17. Session I is from 6:30-7:45 a.m. and Session II is 8-9:15 a.m.

Make checks payable to St. Anthony Booster Club and send entries to ATTN: Cody Rincker, St. Anthony High School, 304 E. Roadway Ave., Effingham, IL 62401.

                                ST. ANTHONY PROGRAM ENTRY FORM



CIRCLE SESSION            1        OR         2

CIRCLE T-SHIRT SIZE: ADULT            S                   M               L                     XL




HOME PHONE NUMBER_____________________EMERGENCY NUMBER________________

I give my permission for my son to participate in the  St. Anthony basketball camp and state that he is already covered on an existing insurance policy in case of an accident or injury. I understand that, as a conditon of admittance as a camper, the undersigned, on behalf of all parents and guardians and on behalf of all parents and guardians and on behalf of the applicant, hereby release all employees and agents of the camp from any and all liabilty from injury or illness, mental or physical, suffered by the camper during the related St. Anthony Basketball Camp.


SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN                                                                   DATE