Lady Bulldog Basketball Camp Scheduled June 8-12
Published on May 19 2015 2:01 pm
Last Updated on May 19 2015 2:20 pm
Written by Millie Lange
The Lady Bulldog Basketball Camp has been scheduled for June 8-11 for grades 1-4 from 10 a.m. to noon and grades 5-8 from 1-4 p.m. and June 12 for grades 1-8 (all grades) from 1-4 p.m. The camp will be held at the Enlow Center at St. Anthony High School.
Equipment needed will be basketball shoes, athletic shorts, T-shirt. The purpose of the camp is to teach and develop basktball skills. The daily program will consist of teaching fundamental skills, playing games and individual skill competition. Awards presented will be Ms. Hustle, dribbling competition, free throw, spot shot, MVP and one-on-one.
Staff will be St. Anthony Coach Bart Wiedman, present and past St. Anthony basketball players and the 2015-16 basketball staff. The fee for the camp will be $40. Full tuition or a $10 non-refundable deposit is to be paid with each application. The cost for two girls from the same family is $75. Each additional child is $35.
Registration may be done by filling out the form. Make checks payable to Bart Wiedman. The completed application can be mailed along with the deposit or full tuition to Bart Wiedman, 105 Santa Fe Street, Effingham, IL 62401. Email for a confirmation.
Registration deadline is June 5.
HOME PHONE____________________________________________________
EMERGENCY PHONE_______________________________________________
FAMILY E-MAIL___________________________________________________
AGE______________________________ GRADE________________________
I give my permission for my daughter to participate in the Lady Bulldog basketball camp and state that she is already covered on an existing insurance policy in case of an accident or injury. I understand that, as a conditon of admittance as a camper, the undersigned, on behalf of all parents and guardians and on behalf of the applicant, hereby release all employees and agents of the camp from any and all liability from injury or illness, mental or physical, suffered by the camper during the related Lady Bulldog Basketball Camp.
T-Shirt Size (circle one)
Child S M L
Adult S M L XL