Effingham Co. Lightning Special Olympics Teams Compete in Tourney, Set To Take Polar Plunge


Published on February 23 2015 9:08 am
Last Updated on February 23 2015 9:09 am

TRENTON -- For any fan in the stands at the District H Team Basketball Tournament held February 8 at Wesclin High School in Trenton, the competition for Effingham County Lightning Special Olympics Team was intense, yet awe-inspiring.

As underdogs of their division, both Effingham County Lightning teams faced much taller and more aggressive opponents. Those who witnessed the games learned a lesson that day, the heart of a champion is not always evident by the type of medals awarded at the end of competition, but by the athlete's display of true sportsmanship, courage to face more aggressive opponents and determination to get back on the court, despite the odds.

Efifngham County Lightning's Shane Soltwedal of the ECL White Team won the Sportsman award in the team's first game. He scored 12 points, brandished smiles and elicited cheers for each basket sunk. Soltwedel's teammate, Rachel Zakutansky, helped lead the team in scoring for both games with a total of 14 points and Dallas Tegeler was the leader in rebounds with 10.

Effingham County Lightning White was not able to pull an upset on Mount Vernon's Mavericks as they received the gold medals and team trophy.

"Many expected the team to be heartbroken and possibly apathetic about playing any more basketball," said Coach Susan Zakutansky. "But we were wrong. When Coach Manny Wei and I asked if they wanted to play team basketball again next year, we received a quick response. Rachel said, 'I want to keep playing basketball. We haven't made it to state yet,' and her teammates Angie Haarmann and Jessica Ludwig agreed."

The Effingham County Lightning Black Team's Joe Westendorf also received the Sportsman award in the Division 2 basketball game against the Phoenix Chargers. Westendorf scored 18 points and led the team in steals and rebounds.

"Joe showed compassion and inspriing levels of forgiveness when the other team's players got angry," said Coach Wei. "He played the game with a positive attitude."

Jay Borries was the second leading scorer with a total of 21 points for both Divsion 2 games and got support from teammates Chase Wendte, Kraig Dahnke and Callie Westendorf. The Lightning Black team was awarded bronze medals for their third place finish.

"Both teams did not walk away from District with team tropheis or even a W for the day, but they walked away with more respect, diginity and sportsmanslike character than any other team, having won two Sportsman awards and setting the example for comradery," said Zakutansky.

The Effingham County Lightning coaches and athletes will now prepare to take the Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge at Lake Sara Saturday, February 28. The team will run into the freezing waters of Lake Sara to raise proceeds benefiting Special Olympics Illinois and to show their team unity, commitment to sports and dedication to Special Olympcis Illinois athletes. Funds raised will help continue the tradition of providing free, year-round sports trainings, competitions and growth opportunities to persons with developmental disabilities.

Show your support to the Effingham County Lightning Team plungers by donating to their plunge fundraising efforts at www.plungeillinois.com. There, make a secure, on-line donation by clicking the "Support a Plunger" button and typing in the name of a Lightning plunger, such as Kraig Dahnke and Rachel Zakutansky or their coaches, Susan Zakutansky and Manny Wei. Come out to see them and the other 275 Plungers currently registered to take the 2015 Polar Plunge.