Players' Union Asks For MLB Financial Documents


Published on May 15 2020 6:11 am
Last Updated on May 15 2020 6:11 am

The baseball players’ union has asked MLB for financial documents that describe the industry’s finances, AP reported Thursday, as agreement is being sought on a plan for starting up a coronavirus-delayed season. The owners have okayed the plan, which would start the season in early July, but a proposal for players to get a percentage of their 2020 salaries based on a revenue split is a major stumbling block.


Former Manager Art Howe Has Virus

Former Major League Baseball manager and one-time player Art Howe is in intensive care at a Houston hospital with the coronavirus. The 73-year-old Howe, who's best known as the manager of the Oakland Athletics teams in the late 1990s and early 2000s, told Houston TV station KPRC that he first began feeling symptoms on May 3, tested positive, and tried to get through it at home. But he was taken to the hospital by ambulance on Tuesday after his symptoms got worse.