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COPD Support Group

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Tuesday, January 05, 2016by Courtney

A monthly support group for people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) will begin meeting at Richland Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, January 5. Meetings will be held the first Tuesday of every month at 1:00 p. m. in the Heim Room, which is located just off the hospital's main entrance.

Director of Respiratory Therapy, Lisa Holdren, said a support group like this has been requested by COPD patients and their families.

"It's a chance for people with COPD to learn more about their diagnosis and hopefully improve their quality of life," Holdren said. "It is also an opportunity to network with others who have similar experiences."

Holdren said RMH is working to increase awareness about COPD. Nation-wide, 12 million people have been diagnosed with COPD, and it is estimated that another 12 million have it but have gone undiagnosed. She said it is the only "major cause of death" in the United States that is on the rise, which indicates the need for more education.

"Early detection and management is key, so the disease does not become debilitating," Holdren said.

Holdren will facilitate the monthly meetings of the COPD support group. She said the format will be informal with plenty of time for questions and answers. Different COPD-related topics will be discussed each month to help participants effectively manage their condition. Guest speakers will also be part of the agenda to cover certain educational needs.

"I plan to assess the needs of the group after we begin meeting and adapt the sessions to cover topics that will most benefit the participants," Holdren explained.

With the Heim Room being easily accessible from the hospital's main entrance, Holdren says she hopes people with limited mobility because of their breathing will be able to attend. Wheelchair assistance is also available by making arrangements ahead of time with Holdren. Family members / caregivers of those with COPD are also welcome to attend.

For additional information, please call Holdren at (618) 395-7340, extension 4035.


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