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Christmas Cantata at Trinity Lutheran Church

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Sunday, December 08, 2024by bdust

Through the combined efforts of five area Lutheran churches, the cantata "O Holy Night" will be presented at Trinity Lutheran Church in Stewardson on Sunday, December 8 at 7 p.m.

Choir members from Faith Lutheran Church, Shumway; Grace Lutheran Church, Strasburg; St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Strasburg; St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sigel; and Trinity Lutheran Church, Stewardson, have come together under the direction of Mark Wascher to present this 61st Annual Christmas Cantata. 

The choir will be accompanied by Krystal Friese.

Following the service, cookies and punch will be served by the Trinity Ladies' Aid in the social hall.

A door offering will be taken to help with this year's expenses.


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