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Showcase of Trees & Wreaths

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Friday, December 13, 2024by millie.lange

Showcase of Trees & Wreaths

Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Liberty Unit 289

When: Friday Dec. 13 & Saturday Dec. 14 during the hours of Cookie/Candy Walk

Area businesses, organizations, and community members are encouraged to decorate a tree or a wreath or better yet both. Choose a theme and get creative. Trees can be small or up to 7 feet while wreaths can be up to 16 inches (artificial trees and wreaths only)

Trees and Wreaths can be set up in the community building the week of Dec. 9. Limit to 10 Decorated Trees and 10 Wreaths

RSVP By December 2. Trees & Wreaths should be left up through the New Year o that everyone using the Community Center can enjoy them.

Visitors can vote for their favorite tree and favorite wreath – a dollar a vote. Winners will receive either a catered lunch (if a businesses/organization wins) or a gift card (individual).

Proceeds from the Show Case of Trees/Wreaths will benefit scholarships for the American Legion Auxiliary Department Education Fund. The last several years, the monetary donations have declined to the Department EducationFund . Strasburg is wanting to raise enough funds for an entire $1,000 Department Education scholarship

Contact either ALA Unit 289 President Sarah Wyckoff(217-273-0158 or RALA Unit 289 Treasurer Linda Oakley(217-273-2605 )


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