Three Chicks & A Stage present “Murder on the Titanic” - 7:30pm , September 20 and 21 at the Effingham Elks Club
Three Chicks and The Effingham Elks invite you to board the Titanic for dinner, drinks, and a comedy - murder - mystery production, "Murder on the Titanic". You can come dressed for an ocean cruise on the Titanic and if you like, we have some lines for those that would like to be a part of the show!
Tickets will be available at the Effingham Elks, Jansen Computers, or by emailing to: , or by calling 618-335-9237.
Friday, September 20 will be a dinner and show. The cost for the dinner and show is $40. The dinner is catered by Deb's Catering of Altamont. The menu consists of chicken béarnaise, roast beef, twice baked potato in the shell, gourmet carrots, green beans, chicken noodles, rolls, salad, and homemade cobbler; tea or lemonade is included. On Friday the doors will open at 5:30, dinner will be served at 6:00 and curtain is at 7:30. Tickets for the Friday show and dinner must be purchased by Friday, September 13th. Show-only tickets will be available for purchase at the door on the night of the show.
Saturday, September 21 is a show-only with the doors opening at 6:30 and curtain at 7:30. Show-only tickets will also be available for purchase at the door on the night of the show.
There will be a cash bar available during both performances
The shows will be performed "in the round" with the characters playing among the audience as we all try to figure out who is the murderer. The show is set in the first-class dining saloon of the Titanic at 7:30 on the evening of April 14th, 1912. It will be an evening of laughs and accusations and maybe even a prize for the audience sleuths who figure it out before the killer is revealed!
Come out and have a few drinks and a few laughs with The Three Chicks & A Stage.