Unit 40 Board Members Get Information on Issuing Bonds to Finance Grades K-2 Building (CLARIFICATION ON AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM)


Published on March 24 2025 7:27 pm
Last Updated on March 25 2025 9:35 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham Unit 40 Superintendent Andy Johnson said that even though the one cent sales tax didn't pass in November, "there is still a need."

That said, Johnson invited Stifel Public Finance Managing Director Anne Noble to Monday night's school board meeting to discuss how funds could be generated to pay for a new Grades K-2 building for the district.


The K-2 building, including a gym, would cost $45.3 million. Add to that $3.7 million in funds for work at Southside School, $1.8 million for renovation work at Central School, and $4.2 million for parking lot work.

That comes to $55 million. Johnson asked board members to consider issuing the full amount in bonds, then revisit the sales tax question. The revenue from the sales tax could pay off the bonds.

The issuance of the bonds would amount to an additional 62 cents per $100 assessed valuation. That's a 17% increase in the levy. 

There were no votes on the matter Monday.

The Board voted to approve the 2025-2026 school calendar. A teacher's institute and an in-service on August 11th and 12th will be followed by the first day of student attendance on Wednesday, August 13th. Also approved was online registration information. Two online periods are scheduled: April 22 to May 9, and July 14 to August 1. 

It was also shared that high school semester exams for this year will be taken the Thursday and Friday before graduation.

Johnson reported that district enrollment is up 45 students from last year even with lower high school enrollment. 

Staff was hired for the 21st Century After-School Program. Signup for the program, which will begin for students on Monday, March 31, ends at noon today.

Junior High School Assistant Principal Jordan Andruch will serve as grant coordinator. Site Supervisors will be Elizabeth Russell, Patti Chapman, Sara Mette, Michael Lambton, Abbey Armstrong, Becky Daugherty, Seth Hinson, Missy Donaldson, Alexandra Estes, Ashley Delks. Those hired as facilitators for the after school program were Kenna Koester, April Hardiek, Abra Woomer, Leslie Koester, Ana Macias and Kali Ort. Those hired as facilitator assistant were Gina Hewing, Averie Wolfe and Max Greenwood.

The After-School Program will continue through May 15. There will also be a summer program. 

Other personnel moves approved Monday included transfers of Denise Pitcher as director of Little Hearts Early Childhood Center, Denise White and Heather King as cooks at the high school, and Halle Byous as a math interventionist at Central for the coming school year.

Resignations were accepted from Paige Sherrod as PFA paraprofessional at Little Hearts Early Childhood Center, Lisa Sigg as head high school basketball cheer coach, Kylie Koester as co-head high school girls tennis coach, and Bryan McMillan as high school head wrestling coach.

Retirements were accepted from Sue Ahten as a cook at the high school, Kim Knierim as a bus driver at the end of the current school year, and Angela Moeller as a teacher at the end of the 2027-2028 school year.

There was also recognition given the high school wrestling squad, and students at the Tri-Star/Aspire High School. More about those in future newscasts.