Plan Commission Recommend Council Approval of Site Plan

Published on March 11 2025 8:37 pm
Last Updated on March 11 2025 8:37 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham City Plan Commission members Tuesday recommended a special use permit be issued for a county morgue.
The morgue would be located at 207 West St. Anthony Avenue, the former Pet Feed Store. The building has been renovated and adequate parking is available to accommodate the limited amount of traffic the morgue should generate.
Effingham County Coroner Kim Rhodes said the morgue now located in HSHS St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital accommodate county deaths but also deaths from surrounding area counties. There is space for just three bodies in the hospital morgue. Rhodes said the building could be used for both the morgue and for the coroner's office, which is now located on the third floor of the County Office Building. Rhodes said the new location would allow families to view the remains of their loved ones in a "serene setting".
Rhodes indicated that a grant is being sought to help fund the project and said that area counties are being contacted to contract for use of the morgue.
Commission members voted 6-0 to recommend the City Council grant a special use permit for the project.
The Commission voted to continue to a future meeting special use permits for a cryptocurrency operation and a solar energy field to be located on or near the Mid-America Motorworks grounds. Commission members asked for results of a noise study and information that an adequate supply of power would be available for the operation.
The Plan Commission approved a site plan for a new building for South Central FS at 410 South Willow Street. Much of the building would be warehouse space replacing a demolished building located along the CSX Railroad tracks on the north end of the FS property. There will also be retail space on the west end of the new building.
Members Ken Wohltman, Michael McHugh and Brian Meyers were not present for Tuesday's meeting.