Altamont Council Considers New Business Plan


Published on September 24 2024 3:40 pm
Last Updated on September 24 2024 3:40 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Altamont city council members heard a proposal this month for a new business that would be located at Gilbert Park.

Shaun Splechter proposed buying and replacing a building with a connex container to be used as a double drive-thru coffee shop. 

The Council previously voted against using connex containers as buildings, so the matter will go to the Altamont Zoning Board for recommendations to the Council.

Council members heard a presentation regarding use of solar panels at the water reservoir and at the sewer lagoons, but approval would be needed from the EPA and from IEMA, so things are moving slowly on the issue.

The Altamont council accepted a proposal from R&H Plumbing, Heating and Electric for $22,072 to demolish the restrooms in Schmidt Park next week. The restrooms will be rebuilt and concrete sidewalk will be installed to run from the new restrooms to the walking path. The Council approved a proposal from S&K Concrete for a concrete foundation for the new restrooms for $7,675 and a $6,000 proposal from S&K Concrete for a 150-foot sidewalk. 

Council members have decided to wait until the spring municipal election to finalize the sale of city-owned land at 107 North Main. Any action on the sale will wait until a full complement of Council members are in place.

The Council did award group health insurance with Blue Cross Blue Shield with a 6.3% increase through Tingley Insurance Agency of Effingham  Also approved was declaring the property at 107 South Main as dangerous and unsafe after a fire burned the building on the property. The declaration will allow the City to clean up the property and bill the owner.

Council members also approved a quote from Courts and Cracks for $11,000 for repair and painting of the multi-use court at Nori's Yard. Donations raised to cover at least half of the project cost have now exceeded that amount.

It was also agreed to approve closing the North Main Street city parking lot next to the grocery store on October 31 for a Trunk or Treat event with St. Paul ELCA Lutheran Church from 6 to 8pm.