Library Children's Room Expansion Expected to Move Ahead


Published on September 23 2024 10:46 am
Last Updated on September 23 2024 10:46 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham Public Library board members heard this month that the project to expand the library's Children's Room should move ahead as planned.

Library Director Amanda McKay said the feature wall project had a budget of $150,000 when discussion of the project began in 2019. The estimated cost is now at $180,000, but McKay said the Board felt the increased cost is acceptable since it's been five years since discussion of the project began. She is estimating the project will be let for bids in November. 

There was discussion of parking lot challenges at the library. McKay said people seem to be using the parking lot for long-term parking. She said city police are helping with the situation, but said library officials plan to see whether there is a solution to the problem. Some people are leaving their vehicles in the lot with no notification to the library.

The library board also reviewed mortgage payoff options, as well as the coming fiscal year levy and budget priorities.