Launch of Emergency Displaced Victims Fund


Published on September 9 2024 4:53 pm
Last Updated on September 9 2024 4:54 pm


The Effingham Retired Volunteer Firefighters Association (ERVFA), in partnership with the Effingham City Emergency Management Agency (EMA) and the Effingham Fire Department, has announced the launch of the Emergency Displaced Victims Fund. This initiative aims to provide immediate support to City of Effingham residents displaced by personal disasters, such as fires or other emergencies, during the critical first 24 hours.

The Emergency Displaced Victims Fund is designed to offer quick, essential assistance until other organizations, such as the Red Cross or Salvation Army, can care for displaced victims. During this initial 24-hour period, the fund will provide:

 Grocery store or deli-style food and non-alcoholic beverages

 A single change of clothing, including essential items such as shoes, socks, and outerwear

 Toiletry items, medications, and hygiene products

 Basic needs for infants, including diapers, formula, and baby clothing

 Essential personal items such as a cell phone charger, pillow, and blanket Assistance of up to $200 per person will be available, depending on the current balance in the fund. Eligibility will be determined through an interview process that evaluates the displaced individuals' immediate needs without requiring intrusive financial verification.

“We understand how overwhelming it can be to lose your home and belongings, especially in the first hours following a disaster,” said Larry Thies, City of Effingham EMA Coordinator. “This fund is intended to provide immediate relief and support during that critical time until other agencies can step in to provide more comprehensive aid.”

The Emergency Displaced Victims Fund relies on community donations to operate, and contributions are now being accepted to support this vital program. Donations can be made at Dieterich Bank or sent to PO Box 1183, Effingham, IL.

“Our community’s generosity can make a real difference for those who find themselves in crisis,” added Nick Althoff, President of Effingham Retired Volunteer Firefighters Association. “By contributing to the Emergency Displaced Victims Fund, you are helping your neighbors receive the immediate help they need when it matters most.”

For more information, please contact the Effingham City Emergency Management Agency Coordinator.