North Clay School Board Members Get Construction Update


Published on June 27 2024 4:17 pm
Last Updated on June 27 2024 4:17 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

North Clay school board members got an update Wednesday on progress on the district's construction project.

Superintendent Keith Price said the project is on schedule.

Work scheduled to be completed this summer, before the start of the school year, includes:

--conversion of the north circle drive into student parking

--adding a circle drive to the east side of the high school building

--renovating the high school office to become the main entryway to the building with added security features

--relocation and remodeling of the high school principal's office and guidance office and conference room

--conversion of a classroom and storage room into new boys and girls restrooms across the current high school gym

--renovation of both the current high school boys and girls locker rooms

--removal of the two mobile units behind the high school

--removal of asbestos tile to be replaced with new tile in both the upstairs and downstairs hallways of the high school

In action items, the North Clay board:

--approved maternity leave for Morgan Cox

--hired Tonni Micklautz and Jerin Romack as class sponsors for the Class of 2028

--accepted a letter of resignation from Dustin Smith as junior high head girls track coach and junior high head cross country coach

--hired Jamie Harvel as head high school girls volleyball coach

--hired Hannah Clark as JV high school girls volleyball coach

--hired Hailey Gregg as head high school girls basketball coach

--hired Patrick Mapes as assistant high school girls basketball coach

--hired Amanda Bailey as head high school track coach

--accepted the resignation of Larry Northrop as fulltime bus driver for purposes of retirement

--set the superintendent pay increase for the coming school year

--approved posting two fulltime substitute positions 

--gave the Administration approval to hire necessary certified and non-certified staff

The North Clay board approved renewal of district insurance with Snedeker Risk Management, which was an overall 11% increase over last year's premium, approved the amended budget for the balance of the fiscal year, adopted a resolution to approve Safe School ID, and approved renewal in the Illinois Association of School Boards.

The North Clay administration also shared about the outpouring of support in recent weeks from the North Clay community for the family, classmates and friends of late North Clay student Caide Weidner.