Program on VE Day Tonight at County Museum


Published on May 9 2024 6:46 am
Last Updated on May 9 2024 6:58 am

Nearly 80 years ago, the American public was focused on the devastation of World War II. They sensed that the war was coming to an end, but, at such a great cost in the lives of the families of Effingham County who had loved ones who had served, or were serving, in the military.

When, during the first part of 1945, the war in Europe moved quickly to the conclusion of the conflict there, the people had plans for the most appropriate way to rejoice in the peace which was coming to part of the world. Through their government, they planned to have a “Holy Day,” not a “Holiday,” due to the fact that many of their sons and daughters were still battling the enemy in the Pacific theater of the War.

Effingham County Museum President, Delaine Donaldson, will discuss what V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day) was like in Effingham County during the months leading to it, as well as what happened on that day.

The public is invited to come to the second floor of the Museum tonight at 6:00 P.M. to hear the story of the local response to Victory in Europe. The presentation is the result of a partnership between the Effingham Public Library and the Museum in order to inform the public about the rich heritage of the County.