No Tuition Increase at SIU Carbondale, Edwardsville Campuses

Published on April 12 2024 10:26 am
Last Updated on April 12 2024 10:27 am
The Southern Illinois University System (SIU) is not increasing undergraduate tuition rates at its Edwardsville and Carbondale campuses in the 2024-2025 school year. The SIU Board of Trustees voted to freeze undergraduate tuition rates at their meeting this week in Carbondale.
SIU campuses charge U.S.-based students the same undergraduate tuition rates per credit hour, which are below the national average. SIU Carbondale has not raised the undergraduate tuition rate in seven years, and SIU Edwardsville’s undergrad tuition rate has only seen two small increases since 2019. For more information on undergraduate tuition rates at SIU Edwardsville and Carbondale, please visit siue.edu/paying-for-college/ and tuition.siuc.edu/.
“SIU prioritizes keeping tuition rates affordable and accessible for all students,” said SIU System President Dan Mahony, Ph. D. “SIU strives to provide a high-quality education at a low cost, providing an outstanding value for students and families. Right now, we know that so many other costs are skyrocketing for students and families with inflation. As SIU continues to educate and grow our nation’s workforce, we want to do what we can to keep an SIU education in reach for every student.”
Another program that increases access to higher education is the SIU System Commitment, an initiative that began in 2021. The SIU Commitment programs cover tuition and mandatory fees for new four-year undergraduate students and transfer students who are eligible and have a family income of $113,575 or less at SIU Edwardsville and $103,040 or less at SIU Carbondale. The family income cap was recently raised from $63,575 to help more students. Learn more about the SIU Carbondale Saluki Commitment at fao.siu.edu/types/saluki-commitment.php and the SIU Edwardsville Commitment at siue.edu/financial-aid/types-of-aid/list-feed/siue-commitment.shtml.
While higher education continues to face a number of financial challenges, SIU appreciates the recent increases in state funding. “We thank Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and the General Assembly for continuous increases in higher education funding, which included a significant 7% increase for public universities in 2023,” said Phil Gilbert, chairman of the SIU Board of Trustees.
SIU employs more than 7,000 faculty, staff and administrators who serve approximately 23,500 students through campuses in Carbondale, Edwardsville and Springfield. The SIU System Office and SIU Medical School are in Springfield, Illinois as well as SIU Medicine clinics that serve thousands of patients.