Variance Granted for New Signage at Jefferson and Henrietta

Published on March 27 2024 10:25 am
Last Updated on March 27 2024 10:25 am
Written by Greg Sapp
A variance was granted Tuesday by the Effingham City Zoning Board of Appeals for the fence and signs on the southeast corner of Jefferson and Henrietta.
A three-faced complex sign/billboard featuring electronic message boards is to take the place of the fence and signs currently at the location. The property is owned by Herman and Sharon Brummer and is leased to Robinson Outdoor. The fence and the signs currently in place will be removed from the site. The only provision sought that was not granted was an increase in height for the signs at the location from 26 feet to 35 feet.
The Board of Appeals also granted a variance for an accessory building to be owned by Jeffery Frey and located at 10701 East Aminoff Drive in Grupe Subdivision, northwest of Effingham in the city's extra-territorial zoning jurisdiction. The building will exceed the maximum allowable area without the variance. Two of Frey's neighbors, Dr. Ryan Jennings and Robert Lowrance, appeared to testify in support of the variance request.
The Board also was briefed on the timeline for developing a new Comprehensive Plan for the City. Updates of the city's zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance are likely to be components of the new plan, so input from the Zoning Board of Appeals will be likely at some point.