Board's Legislative Committee Requests Action by the Board on Two Issues


Published on February 12 2024 2:28 pm
Last Updated on February 12 2024 2:28 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

The Effingham County Board's Legislative Committee Monday agreed to move ahead with formation of a damage assessment team. The team would be summoned in case of storm damage or similar events in the county.

The Effngham County Dive Rescue Team would conduct the damage assessments for the City of Effngham. The City is yet to act on an agreement under which the damage assessments would occur. If the City Council approves the agreement, the County Board could also act to approve it. 

The County could also approve a similar agreement. 

The legislative committee also approved asking the full county board to reduce the number of members on the Effingham County Housing Authority from seven to five. The vote followed a motion to recommend the Board accept the resignation of Billy Genaust from the Authority. Genaust's resignation would join with the recent death of Leonard Waldhoff to give the Authority five members.