County Board Discusses Solar Panels, Replacement Windows for County Office Building

Published on November 20 2023 8:55 pm
Last Updated on November 21 2023 1:51 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham County Board members Monday discussed installing solar panels on the roof and replacing windows and exterior doors at the Effingham County Office Building.
If the entire project is pursued, it will cost between $400,000 and $600,000, with projections that much of the cost will be recouped through energy savings.
Meanwhile, the Board approved a liabiilty insurance renewal through CIRMA for just over $583,000, and changed the name of Effingham County Memorial Airport to Effingham County Regional Airport as the airport has achieved regional status.
Board member Jeremy Deters said there has been much discussion over the issue since the airport was named "memorial" in honor who lost their lives from the county in World War II. Deters said the veterans memorial on the Courthouse Museum lawn has come to be known as a suitable memorial.
Following a closed session, the Board voted to approve a settlement with Brit regarding a lack of representation by the County's insurer in a lawsuit with Lakeside EMS. Brit has agreed to pay the County $75,000.
Also Monday, the County Board:
--approved a resolution for an appellate prosecutor
--approved a handbook amendment to include a county vehicle usage policy
--approved a Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center wellness program for County employees
--approved a disbursement of $17,000 in ARPA funds to the Effingham Regional Career Foundation
--approved a disbursement of $28,536.35 in ARPA funding to the Effingham County Fair with Elizabeth Huston abstaining from the vote
--approved the final invoices totaling $155,668.07 to Lakeside Roofing Company for the County Office Building roof replacement work
--approved $130,000 being added to the Sheriff's department budget for body worn cameras with the amount to be reimbursed to the County
--approved employee Christmas gift of $25 gift cards and an employee luncheon
--approved the sale of a lot in Edgewood for delinquent taxes
--approved a $10,000 allocation to Effingham County Public Transportation to cover the cost of elderly and disabled and veterans in the county to ride the county public transportation system at no cost
--scheduled a special Board meeting for Wednesday, November 29 to close out the county's fiscal year.