Effort Underway to Re-Establish Prayer Room in State Capitol


Published on November 7 2023 10:05 am
Last Updated on November 7 2023 10:06 am
Written by Greg Sapp


The Illinois Legislative Prayer Caucus (ILPC) is spearheading a drive to reestablish a prayer room in the Illinois State Capitol. The ILPC is for legislators only and operates under the umbrella of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation (CPCF). The CPCF connects legislators within states and across the nation in prayer and action. Members of the ILPC believe that through trust in God, humble prayer and strategic action, the religious liberties of all Americans will be protected.

When a prayer room was established in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC, it took one year from start to finish beginning in 1954 then opening in 1955. However, in Illinois, it took a 15-year effort to have a nondenominational chapel, or prayer room as it is known, established in the Illinois Capitol. The process in Illinois began in 1982 and in November 1997, the prayer room was opened and dedicated.

During a 2009-2013 renovation of the West Wing, the prayer room in the Capitol was remodeled and converted into a House committee room.

In this final week of the Fall Veto Session, Rep. Brad Halbrook, Chairman of the ILPC, has filed a Resolution (HR 495) to reestablish the prayer room during the current, ongoing renovations of the North Wing of the Capitol building.

As Rep. Halbrook has stated, "Prayer was a vital part of the founding fathers’ lives as they sought the direction, protection & wisdom of God. Our great need of God’s help today is no different than our forefathers’ need when they created this nation. This is why it only makes sense to have a prayer chapel designated for our Illinois State Capitol.”

Delbra Pratt, State Director of the Illinois Prayer Caucus Network, points out that prayer has always been a part of our American history. She stated, “Prayer is important to people of faith who serve and work in our Capitol, as well as members of the public.  President Lincoln has been quoted as having said, ‘I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.’ It remains so in our day that our own wisdom is insufficient for the issues we face. We, too, need the wisdom that comes from divine inspiration.”

Individuals and groups who support reestablishing a prayer room in the Illinois State Capitol building may add their name to a growing number of citizens across Illinois by going to https://cpcfoundation.com/keep-faith-in-illinois/.