North Clay Board Gets Updates on Student Efforts

Published on September 28 2023 2:56 pm
Last Updated on September 28 2023 3:00 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
North Clay school board members Wednesday were updated on a variety of student activities.
Construction students are making progress on the barn, currently applying siding to the structure.
The FFA horse judging team placed eighth of 50 teams, Mikayla Welty placed ninth individually of 500 students.
The new digital newspaper, The Red Feather Press, is up and running on the North Clay website.
The Broadcasting class is launching its first school podcast, "The Cardinal Chirp" this week. An episode will launch weekly on Tuesdays. Also, they have social media pages on Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook.
In action items, the North Clay board adopted the new fiscal year budget; and agreed to apply for a school maintenance grant that could be worth up to $50,000.
The Board revisited a district construction project and an organization of 8th grade graduation, but no was taken. An architect fee agreement for Phase 2 construction work was approved, and implementation was approved of a Safe2Help student support program.
In personnel matters, the North Clay board accepted the resignation of Chris Rush as a fulltime bus driver, hired Rona Gouchenouer as a fulltime cook, approved an unpaid leave request fro Kim Travis and an unpaid leave of absence for Michele Ruesken, approved temporary adjustment of administrative assignments pending Sarah Newby's completion of licensure requirements, and gave the Administration authority to hire non-certified personnel as needed.