Teutopolis School Board Completes Building Tours


Published on September 20 2023 10:43 am
Last Updated on September 20 2023 10:43 am
Written by Greg Sapp

The Teutopolis Board of Education completed their tours of the three district classroom buildings at this week's meeting. The meeting was held at Teutopolis Grade School, allowing time for the tour. 

There has been some discussion about facility needs in that district enrollment has been growing.

Also this week, board members acted on several personnel matters. Those hired or assigned to positions include Jill Spour as Internet Society/Robotics Sponsor, Kelly Swingler as a two-hour custodian at the grade school, high school cafeteria student workers, Amber Probst as grade school secretary, Lois Overbeck as high school cook up to five hours per day, and an increase in head cook time by up to two hours per week as needed for food orders and monthly menu.

The Board discussed their after school program director vacancy and vacancies in the transportation department. The Board accepted the audit of the past fiscal year and approved the budget for the new fiscal year. Also approved was FFA's attendance at the National Convention in Indianapolis and State horse judging in Galva, a proposal for the current fiscal year audit, purchase of a used maintenance truck from Northside Ford, purchase of a street legal side by side for maintenance and athletic training from Sloan Equipment, and an agreement on the replacement cycle for sports uniforms.

The Board also expelled a student through the 2024-2025 school year. The expulsion will be held in abeyance if the student successfully completes an educational program approved by the District.