Tough Start to Opening of Beach at Lake


Published on June 15 2023 5:29 pm
Last Updated on June 15 2023 5:29 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham Water Authority trustees heard that there was a tough start of the opening of the beach at Lake Sara.

Lake Superintendent Mike Dirks said the tough start included use of alcohol and drugs as well as fights. Dirks suggested erecting signs prohibiting smoking, alcohol, drugs, and weapons on or near the beach. He said that county and state police are helping patrol the area. Cameras have been ordered and will be installed in the near future. 

Water Authority Attorney Tony Siemer will prepare an ordinance addressing the issue and determining any fines.

Also, Doug Thies of the Friends of Lake Sara said the organization is focused on the upcoming fireworks display. The show will be on Monday, July 3 starting around 9:15pm, with a rain date of July 8. A fundraiser is scheduled for Sunday, July 2 and Thies shared that they are in need of volunteers for cleanup after the event. 

Lisa Borries shared with the Board a video of dirt bikes in use. The dust and noise generated by the bikes was noted. The Board heard that there is indication that an amateur racing team is using a residential lot as a training track, which is in violation of the lot lease. Siemer will send a letter to the leaseholder, and the Board will contact subdivision developer Todd Kabbes as to the situation.

The Board passed the prevailing wage ordinance for contracted work, and there was discussion of swimming pool regulations. Siemer will prepare a draft ordinance for review at the July meeting.

Brad Hastings spoke to the board regarding boaters not reading and following regulations, boats and lights at night, and boats with docking lights on. Hastings also said some lessees have lighting that causes a navigational hazard. Thies said he will use the Friends newsletter to get information out to lake residents. 

Also, Don Borries asked about swim buoys and the distances. Dirks said the buoys are to be 50 feet from the shoreline and 25 feet from the dock. Borries suggested reflective tape be used on the buoys to make them more visible.

Tom Ryan of the Parks and Recreation Committee updated the Board on progress on Phase 2 of the upgrade. Ryan is co-ordinating with contractor Swingler Construction on a start time for Phasee 2 and thinks the groundbreaking will take place soon.

Lake user Scott Ealy suggested using an internet camera as a good way to promote the lake.