Catholic Charities Launches The Agape Project

Published on May 8 2023 2:09 pm
Last Updated on May 8 2023 2:10 pm
Effingham Catholic Charities has announced the kick-off of a special capital campaign, The Agape Project, to address critical facility needs at the local charity.
In Christianity, agape is the highest form of love, a transcendent sacrificial love that persists regardless of circumstances. The goal of The Agape Project is to raise $600,000 to replace the aging HVAC systems, repair the parking lot and walkways and renovate the onsite food pantry at the Catholic Charities facility located at 1502 E. Fayette Ave. A successful campaign will enable Catholic Charities to maintain the safe harbor provided to those who work, volunteer, and are served at the facility. All donations to the campaign will remain local and exclusively benefit Effingham Catholic Charities.
The public phase of the campaign follows on the heels of a successful major gifts initiative where lead donors have pledged approximately $360,000, or 60% of the overall campaign goal. Beth Lindvahl, Chair of TheAgape Project committee stated, “We are so grateful and pleased by the response from our lead donors thus far. We are now reaching out to the entire community to ask for their consideration of supporting this very worthwhile cause and to help put us over the top. We are asking everyone to prayerfully examine their ability to make a donation. We welcome gifts of any amount!”
Since 1981, Effingham Catholic Charities has been faithfully serving the people of Clark, Crawford, Cumberland, Effingham, Fayette, Jasper, and a portion of Shelby counties through a broad range of programs and services. Currently, the local nonprofit offers help to all through its Crisis Assistance, Food Pantry, MedAssist, Legal Services, Second Hand Rose Resale Shoppe, Ramblin’ Rose and Mobile Food Pantry programs. For decades, Effingham Catholic Charities has worked to establish and maintain its reputation as a compassionate nonprofit community leader serving thousands of children and families from all backgrounds and circumstances.
"Giving is not just about donating. It is about making a difference. Catholic Charities has been making a difference in our community for over 40 years, and I am proud to be a part of it.” stated Jim Hecht.
The mission of the faith-based organization is to extend to all the healing and empowering presence of Jesus. “As the name of our campaign indicates, we are asking for help to continue to bring the love of God to children, individuals, and families around us who are facing hardship on a daily basis,” stated Effingham Catholic Charities Area Director Sister Carol Beckermann.
Those wishing to make a donation can send a check to Effingham Catholic Charities The Agape Project, 1502 E. Fayette Ave., Teutopolis, IL 62467, or make a donation online at https://cc.dio.org/events/agape-project For more information on the campaign, please contact Maria Kingery, 217-857-1458 ext. 102 or Sister Carol Beckermann, 217-857-1458 ext. 101 or Jasmine Drake, 217-523-9201 ext. 304. Catholic Charities gratefully accept donations in the form of credit cards, securities, real estate, insurance, and planned gifts.