Judge Gruenke Announces Candidacy for Circuit Judge

Published on January 26 2023 8:54 am
Last Updated on January 26 2023 8:54 am
Associate Judge Douglas Gruenke has announced that he will run for the office of Circuit Judge of the Illinois Fourth Judicial Circuit. The vacancy was created by the election of Michael McHaney to the Fifth District Appellate Court. Gruenke will run in the Republican primary in 2024.
Judge Gruenke was appointed as an Associate Judge in the Fourth Judicial Circuit in 2021, after having been previously elected as the Clinton County State’s Attorney. Prior to being elected as the Clinton County State’s Attorney, he was in private practice for over 18 years, representing and advising municipalities, small businesses, and private citizens. Since being appointed in 2021, Judge Gruenke has presided over court proceedings in all nine counties in the Fourth Judicial Circuit, handling both criminal and civil cases.
“Having the opportunity to conduct court in all nine counties in our circuit has allowed me to meet many wonderful and hardworking people from every corner of the circuit. It would be a privilege to receive their support for Circuit Judge,” stated Gruenke.
Judge Gruenke is a graduate of Wesclin High School (Trenton, IL), SIUE, and SIU School of Law. He and his wife call New Baden home, a place where they also raised their four children. He has coached the Wesclin Boys and Girls High School Soccer Teams, the Wesclin Robotics Team and club soccer. He also serves as board member, and former Chairman, for Clinton County CEO (Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities). He has been a Sunday school teacher for over 20 years, and previously served as a board member for LifeSavers Training Corporation, a peer-to-peer youth suicide prevention organization, and as a member of the St. Joseph’s Breese Hospital Foundation Leadership Council.
The Illinois Fourth Judicial Circuit is comprised of Christian, Clay, Clinton, Effingham, Fayette, Jasper, Marion, Montgomery and Shelby Counties.