Illinois House Passes Assault Weapons Ban, Expanded Abortion Rights; Wilhour and Niemerg Vote Against Bills


Published on January 6 2023 9:10 am
Last Updated on January 9 2023 5:15 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

News Update Premier 640

On a vote along party lines, the Illinois House of Representatives early Friday morning passed an assault weapons ban. The final vote on the measure was 64-43.

Senate Bill 2226 will ban the purchase of assault weapons in the state, along with prohibiting the manufacture of such items. It also bans the sale of large capacity magazines.

Local State Representatives Blaine Wilhour of Beecher City and Adam Niemerg of Dieterich both voted against the measure. Wilhour spoke against the measure on the House floor...


For his part, Niemerg said the action approved still won't stop the problem of gun violence...


The measure headed to the Illinois Senate for consideration.

Meanwhile, the House Thursday evening passed legislation House Democrats say will shore up the state's abortion rights in light of the US Supreme Court's overturning Roe v Wade. 

By a vote along party lines 67-41, the House passed Senate Bill 1534, which opponents of the measure say are detrimental to the people of Illinois.

House Republicans who spoke against the bill say it does the following:

--allows non-medical doctors (physician's assistants, nurse practitioners, midwives) to perform surgical abortions

--allows anyone to receive over-the-counter birth control without a doctor or pharmacist's prescription

--minors could receive a surgical abortion from a non-doctor, paid for with taxpayer dollars, in a clinic that is not held to the same standards as other medical facilities, and their parents never have to know

--if a doctor loses their license for illegally performing an abortion in another state, they can come to Illinois and get a medical license

--the bill requires community colleges and universities to make emergency contraception accessible for purchase in at least one vending machine on each campus at a cost no greater than $40

--the bill also requires Illinois insurance plans to cover gender-affirming medication to be covered without copay or deductible to any person without age restrictions and no requirement for parental notification

Wilhour and Niemerg both voted against the legislation.

Wilhour spoke about why he opposed the bill...

Niemerg also addressed the House on the measure...


For his part, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker spoke for approval of both measures. Here's his statement:

"For months lawmakers and advocates have been hard at work negotiating two very critical pieces of legislation to keep Illinoisans safe. Tonight, with the leadership and support of Speaker Welch, the Illinois House passed critical reproductive health protections and an assault weapons ban. The people of Illinois send us to Springfield to tackle tough issues and these bills are historic steps in the right direction. I look forward to working with our colleagues in the Illinois Senate to get bills addressing these issues to my desk so I can sign them as soon as possible."