Rural Med Ready to Take Over County 911 Ambulance Service May 1
Published on March 21 2022 6:40 pm
Last Updated on March 22 2022 1:57 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham County Board members Monday heard that Rural Med would be ready as of May 1 to take over as the County's 911 ambulance service provider.
Effingham County State's Attorney Bryan Kibler said that they are "90% done with all the terms of an agreement with Rural Med." Kibler said that worst case, a special meeting of the Board might be needed to finalize the agreement, but he thinks it will be done by the Board's April meeting.
There was a motion floated to extend a contract with current provider Abbott EMS for a period of time in case Rural Med isn't ready, but Abbott officials shared a statement at a committee meeting last week that they couldn't guarantee the provisions of their existing contract on a short-term basis. There was no motion made to extend an agreement with Abbott.
The item that took the most time at Monday's meeting was whether to earmark $330,000 in Federal ARPA funds for the Effingham Regional Career Academy, whether County Board Chairman Jim Niemann should be named to the Academy Board, and whether County Board members Niemann, Rob Arnold and Joe Thoele should be named to an ARPA Funds committee.
The closest vote came on earmarking the ARPA funds. A 4-4 tie vote was broken by Niemann who voted Yes. Other Yes votes came from Norbert Soltwedel, Heather Mumma, Rob Arnold and Joe Thoele. Voting No were Elizabeth Huston, John Perry, Doug McCain and Dave Campbell.
Some of those who voted No would like more details as to how the funds would be used. Effingham County Regional Growth Alliance President Courtney Yockey said the current plan is to pay for the cost of students to take courses through the Academy. Other No voters didn't like that other governmental bodies haven't been approached for similar contributions of their ARPA funds. Yockey said the Academy Board will be making similar requests from those other bodies. It was also suggested that half of the $330,000 could be earmarked now, with the balance to be earmarked if positive results from the initial earmark are seen. Since the funds are only earmarked, not allocated or awarded, the motion that passed is to earmark the entire $330,000.
On the vote to create an ARPA committee to follow the work of the Academy, the motion passed 5-3, with Perry, Houston and McCain voting No. Niemann, Arnold and Thoele were later in the meeting appointed to the ARPA committee. Thoele said the committee was his idea so all nine county board wouldn't be trying to keep up with the work of the Academy. The three were appointed only through the end of their county board term on November 30.
A vote to name Niemann to the Career Academy board passed 6-2 with Perry and Huston voting No.
Again, Niemann said earmarking the funds was only a tool to make sure the funds are designated for some other use, and that the Board would have to vote to spend any of the funds.
There was some sentiment for having Child Care as a sixth pathway for the Career Academy to pursue. Yockey said he would relay those sentiments.
The County Board Monday also approved changing the management of Effingham County Memorial Airport from contract services with Tate's AV8 to hiring Jerry Tate as a fulltime County employee. The actions involved include: discontinuing the contract agreement with Tate's AV8 effective April 1...offering fulltime employment to Jerry Tate as airport manager...approving budget amendments to reflect the changes...purchasing the fuel and other assets from Tate's AV8...authorizing an amended CARES grant from contract services to personnel...and amending the salary schedule for county non-union employees to include Tate. The changes are with the belief by the County Airport Commission that it will be more profitable for the County.
The Board also renewed the county public transportation agreements including funding for the transportation system through grant funds and fees paid by riders, as well as a purchase of service agreement and a vehicle lease agreement, both with CEFS Economic Opportunity Corporation.
The Board amended the sick leave policy in the employee handbook...approved CASA's use of the Courthouse Museum lawn on April 29 for a Light the Night event as a fundraiser and to create awareness...authorized purchase of property by the County Board of Health from Prompt Care for use by the County Health Department.
County board members approved an engineering agreement with Milano and Grunloh of Effingham for improvements to Moccasin Road. County Engineer Greg Koester said the preliminary agreement will research both a simple resurfacing of the existing road, and some reconstruction such as surfacing the shoulders and guard rails and reconstruction of some intersections in residential areas along the road. Also approved was a resolution to concur in an award to Howell Paving for $914,444.84 to replace the Bishop Church Bridge.
Also Monday...Sheriff Paul Kuhns reported that the roof of the County Office Building needs replaced. Kuhns said the inspector estimated the roof has been in place for 30 years. He also shared that proposals to replace the cooling towers on the County Government Center are due May 2. He said that while the towers are on the Government Center, they also serve the Office Building.
Huston reported that the services provided through 708 funding by Heartland Human Services are not available on weekends and after hours. She wants to see whether One Hope United would provide those services during those off hours. Some research will be done.
The Board also Monday commended County Supervisor of Assessments staff members Sandy Davis and Nancy Wendt, each for completing 25 years' service to the County.