Park Board Gets Workman Complex Update


Published on June 3 2021 2:06 pm
Last Updated on June 3 2021 2:06 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham Park Board commissioners got an update on activities at the Workman Sports and Wellness Complex at Wednesday night's meeting.

Leah Ritter of Rink Management reported that both pools in the complex are again open and that the refinishing of the gym floor has been completed.

Park District Director Jeff Althoff indicated that a Grand Reopening of the complex will likely be held in July.

Althoff reported that baseball and softball leagues have begun, that the Kluthe Memorial Pool at Evergreen Hollow Park is open for the season, and that Day Camp is again a big success with 135 kids already participating. He also noted that 66 teams were in Effingham over the weekend for the Effingham Heaters baseball tournament.

Park Board members approved the tentative budget for the coming fiscal year, including a $35,000 increase to address pending jumps in the minimum wage. Commissioners also issued general obligation refunding debt certificates to refinance the debt certificates at a lower interest rate, and accepted the past fiscal year audit report.