State's Check for Pearson Peninsula Project at Lake Still Hasn't Arrived


Published on January 19 2021 3:15 pm
Last Updated on January 19 2021 3:21 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

The group of volunteers working on the Pearson Peninsula Park project at Lake Sara would love to move ahead with the project, but they are waiting on a grant promised in the fall by the State.

Tom Ryan, who chairs the Parks and Recreation Committee at the lake, said they have money promised from other sources, but would like to have the grant funds before beginning installation of playground equipment that is part of the project.

Ryan said the State has promised $400,000 for the project, with the first $200,000 coming in the form of a grant. Except it hasn't come.

Time is a factor in the matter, as the volunteer group needs to get started with fundraising for the second phase of the multi-phase project. 

Ryan said the contract for the project is done; now the money is needed.

We contacted IDNR for information as to the reason for the holdup on the funds.

IDNR Deputy Director Rachel Torbert replied that their office of Grant Management and Assistance and their fiscal office "have had to grapple with some delays due to the ongoing pandemic. However, Effingham Water Authority's advance payment for the OSLAD grant is currently entered in our system for payment. Once approved in our system, it will be sent to the Comptroller's Office for payment. While I can't provide a definitive timeline, the payment process is in motion and should be resolved soon."

In the meantime, the Effingham Water Authority board approved the purchase of the playground equipment at this month's meeting. The price tag is $299,488.61. Ryan said they got a discount through a municipal purchasing program, plus received an additional discount. He said the playground equipment will be enhanced by statuary including a full-sized pirate with his foot resting on a cannon, toucans, a stack of turtles, bears and other items designed to make the area special. Ryan said the goal is to make the area not just a playground, but "a place to make memories."

The playground will join a disc golf course at the site near the Pearson Building, just west of Effingham Beach. The project is to eventually include handicapped-accessible activities including access down to the water's edge at the lake.

Ryan has said previously that they were aiming for a Memorial Day opening for this first phase of the project, but the delay on receiving the money from the State might push the opening back until later in the summer.