911 Board Creates Emergency Dispatching Point


Published on December 15 2020 1:45 pm
Last Updated on December 15 2020 1:45 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham County 911 board members Tuesday approved an option in case COVID causes problems in the dispatching system.

The Board voted to extend StarCom from the dispatch center at the city police station into a training room at the station. An emergency dispatch position will be established. If a COVID outbreak compromises the dispatch center, a telecommunicator can be housed in the emergency position. Sheriff Dave Mahon pointed out the emergency position could be utilized for either city or county 911 work.

The running of a cable to the training room will cost $1,336.64. 

911 board members also agreed to have Lakeside EMS' radio frequency included in the dispatch consoles. If there are instances where Abbott EMS is status zero, Lakeside can be dispatched in the event of a call.

Members heard that work continues to beef up 911's website, and to connect it to both the city police department and the county sheriff's department pages. There was also discussion of a 911 logo contest. System Administrator Tina Daniels said the contest would be open to all 911 telecommunicators "to promote a sense of ownership" among the dispatchers. The contest will take place after the first of the year.