Unemployment Claim and Unemployment Fraud Help
Published on November 11 2020 9:07 am
Last Updated on November 11 2020 9:07 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Due to the new COVID-19 resurgence mitigations for our region, which include the closure of indoor dining at restaurants and closure of indoor service in bars, the Effingham County Case Manager wants to remind people and in particular restaurant workers that help applying and certifying for both regular unemployment and PUA assistance (temporary unemployment for self-employed people) is available in-person at the Effingham Public Library.
Since the Illinois Department of Employment Security offices continue to be closed to the public, efforts are underway to make sure that people know they can get in-person help with the case managers at the library.
Furthermore, the case managers continue to see a spike in local fraudulent unemployment claims. If your employer has received a fraudulent claim filed in your name or if you have received a letter from IDES about a claim you did not file, come into the Case Manager’s office for help.
Case Manager Joanna Davies says, “If you phone the IDES 1800 number to report fraud, it can take two to four weeks for a response. We are very lucky and grateful to have a contact within our local IDES office who can immediately put a stop to the fraudulent claim while we help the person contact the IDES fraud department as well as offer other steps to help protect the person’s identity.”
The Effingham County Case Manager is available Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Effingham Public Library, 200 N. Third, Suite 2.
The Effingham County Case Manager also assists people in applying for state benefits such as food stamps, cash assistance and Medicaid; as well as finding a stimulus check, food pantry or organizations that can assist with rent, utility and other assistance.
To contact the Effingham County Case Manager, email effcocasemanager@gmail.com or call (224) 209-6638.
The Effingham County Case Manager is a temporary position funded by the Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation through the Alliance of Illinois Community Foundations and the United Way of Illinois.