Johnna Schultz Receives ILA Award

Published on October 23 2020 10:18 am
Last Updated on October 23 2020 10:23 am
Written by Millie Lange
Schultz’s dedication to assisting users is displayed in her work during the Covid-19 pandemic. Within weeks of her library closing, and community members no longer having access to its services, Schultz formed a partnership with a City Council member, and FISH, a local non-profit, to support those in her community when they needed it most. The group she spearheaded was able to provide off-site access to computers, food vouchers, and applications for federal phones.
During a time of much uncertainty and unease, she has gone above and beyond her role as a librarian, as she sought out new ways to assist in her community.
In less than 48 hours, she helped set up an unemployment site to assist those individuals and families who needed access to unemployment and PUA platforms, but who did not have computers, printers, Wi-Fi, and/or fax machines. She did all this while also making sure the facility met the best practice health screening standards from the local health department.
Furthermore, as the stay-at-home orders remained in place, Johnna Schultz continued to expand these services. Through her efforts, over one hundred community members gained access to much needed unemployment benefits, PUA, DHS resources, food vouchers, food pantry dates and times, phones, phone data and minutes, and many phone numbers for other state and local resources.
Because of her commitment to providing outstanding services for community members, Johnna Schultz is an inspiration to the profession and extremely deserving of this year’s ILA Reference Services Award.
The Reference Services Award was presented at a virtual ceremony on Oct. 22, in conjunction with the Illinois Library Association Annual Conference.
“Effingham Public Library is excited to see Schultz’s community engagement awarded by the Illinois Library Association -- and even more pleased to see it continue in the Effingham County Case Manager position” Amanda McKay, Library Director, shared.
The Effingham County Case Manager is available at the library Monday through Thursday, 9 to 1 p.m., to assist with all things related to unemployment or other social service needs.
Anyone can contact the Effingham County Case Manager at 224-209-6638 or email at effcocasemanager@gmail.com. ;
The Effingham County Case Manager is a temporary position funded by the Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation through the Alliance of Illinois Community Foundations and the United Way of Illinois.