Check Out Ed Baumgarten's Photo of the ISS

Published on October 8 2020 6:07 am
Last Updated on October 8 2020 6:07 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The International Space Station passed over our area Wednesday night, and local photographer Ed Baumgarten captured an awesome image as the ISS flew by!
Here are his words about the shot he took: "I usually will shoot the 'trail of light' shot of an ISS pass.....but tonight's pass over Central Illinois happened pretty early, and there was a lot of ambient light still. SO...I thought I'd try something a little more extreme, just for sport. At 254 miles away and 18,000 miles an hour, it's a stretch for my Nikons, even with my biggest lenses....but with some extreme cropping I was able to pull some detail out of the International Space Station....you can clearly see the structure, and the arms with the solar panels......Enjoy your Evening....and don't forget to look UP now and again!"
Thanks Ed!