Committee Investigating Madigan Won't Meet Again Until After Election
Published on October 7 2020 10:12 am
Last Updated on October 7 2020 10:12 am
Written by Greg Sapp
You won't be following the special investigation of Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan for the next month or so.
The Democrat chairman of the investigating committee Chris Welch says the next meeting will be November 5. Welch said in a press release that holding off on another meeting until after the November elections will take the political theater out of the event.
Republicans on the committee aren't happy, with committee member Deanna Mazzochi calling Welch a "coward".
Local St. Rep. Darren Bailey said Welch's actions, including blocking the sending of subpeonas including one to Madigan, is unacceptable and shows why his constituents and people across the nation believe Illinois is corrupt. Bailey said Madigan should want to appear and "clear his name so this issue isn't hanging over his head."