Unit 40 Superintendent Doan Announces Retirement


Published on September 28 2020 9:01 pm
Last Updated on September 28 2020 10:45 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham Unit 40 Superintendent Mark Doan announced his retirement at Monday night's Unit 40 Board of Education meeting.

Mark Doan 2020

The retirement is effective June 30, 2022. Doan said announcing his retirement now will allow a planned transition for the District. The new superintendent will take over July 1, 2022.

The announcement also allows those who will be chosen for the Board in next spring's election to be a part of the selection process. Three seats will be filled in the April 2021 election.

The process is expected to involve choosing a search firm in May or June 2021, seeking applications through the end of July 2021, and interviewing candidates in August and September 2021 with a goal of having the next superintendent appointed in September or October 2021. The incoming superintendent would have time to work with Doan on an orderly transition.

Doan's current contract was due to expire in March 2022, so the Board Monday extended the contract through June 30, 2022, with no change in pay or benefits.

Doan came to Unit 40 as superintendent on July 1, 2011.