Jobless Rates Down from Year-Ago Figures, But Down from Month-Earlier Numbers
Published on August 28 2020 2:28 pm
Last Updated on August 28 2020 2:28 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham County's July unemployment rate was at 7.5%.
That rate is well up from 3.2% in July 2019, but it is much lower than the double-digit rates seen earlier this year during the early weeks of the pandemic.
Non-farm employment in the Effingham area in July decreased by 2,175 jobs compared to last year.
Employment gains were posted in Construction (+125) and Information (+25).
Payrolls declined in Manufacturing (-725), Leisure and Hospitality (-475), Educational and Health Services (-375), Professional and Business Services (-250), Government (-200), Other Services (-150), Financial Activities (-100), and Trade, Transportation and Utilities (-50).
Natural Resources and Mining employment remained unchanged.
Area counties and their July unemployment rates:
Cumberland County--6.8%, compared to 3.3% in July 2019
Coles County--9.6%, up from 4.6%
Shelby County--7.4%, up from 4%
Clay County--9.3%, up from 4.7%
Fayette County--8.8%, up from 4.1%
Jasper County--6.3%, up from 4.5%.
The Illinois jobless rate in July was at 11.3%, the highest July rate since 1983.
The national jobless rate in July was 10.5%, a record high for July dating back to 1948.