City Council Approves Railroad Agreement


Published on August 18 2020 8:24 pm
Last Updated on August 18 2020 8:24 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham City Council members Tuesday approved an agreement with Effingham Railroad for construction of a 550-foot rail spur line in the Effingham Business Park.

The railroad helps transport rail traffic throughout the city. The new rail line will be built next to a rail shed built by the railroad in recent years.

The agreement will reimburse the railroad any increase in property taxes generated by the new line and the rail shed for a period of seven years up to a maximum of $75,000.

The Council voted to vacate an alley on the St. Anthony Rectory site where a new rectory is under construction; accepted a quote from Core and Main for materials for water main replacements along Marvon Drive with the line to be installed by City forces; and approved an amendment to the City Personnel Policies and Procedures covering City employees affected by the Coronavirus Disease. The employees will receive up to 80 hours of emergency paid sick leave with the City to be reimbursed with Federal CURES dollars.

Council members also approved an agreement with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a housing rehabilitation block grant. The City will receive just under $500,000. Director of Public Works Jeremy Heuerman said once the agreement is finalized, the City will be seeking applications from those interested in participating in the program.

The Council discussed creating a Working Cash fund and putting the fund back in the fiscal year tax levy. The City hasn't levied for Working Cash since 2011, instead letting the funds go to the General Fund. Also discussed was resurfacing the parking lot east across the street from City Hall, a utility extension agreement for Hetzel Overland Transport that is planning a new facility along Airport Road, a northerly extension of sanitary sewer service under the interstate to the new Interstate North Business District, and improvement work at the Water Treatment Plant.