Area Legislators Push for Special Legislative Session to Address Corruption


Published on August 18 2020 3:58 pm
Last Updated on August 18 2020 3:58 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Area legislators are calling for a special session of the Illlinois General Assembly to address legislation they say would root out corruption in the state.

Legislators on both sides of the aisle are talking about corruption in the wake of allegations that House Speaker Michael Madigan was involved in illegal activity with utility giant Commonwealth Edison, but local legislators say it's time for less talk and more action.

State Representatives Blaine Wilhour of Beecher City, John Cabello of Machesney Park, Darren Bailey of Xenia and Brad Halbrook of Shelbyville spoke in Springfield Tuesday to demand immediate action on reform.


Wilhour said, "It's time to do more than talk about reform. A growing number of Democrats have issued public statements calling for ethics reform, which is great, but it is time to turn talk into action."


State Representative Darren Bailey of Xenia said steps need to be taken to make the office of the Legislative Inspector General a truly independent office. Bailey said having the Legislative Ethics Commission in authority over the Inspector General is "like the fox guarding the henhouse."

Other reforms include: 

-House Bill 4421, that would end COLAs for legislative and executive officers and appointees

-House Rule 588, that requires that if a bill has five bipartisan sponsors the bill must be discharged from Rules and called for a vote in committee

-HJRCA 44, that places term limits on state representatives and state senators by limiting the time served in each chamber to 12 years

The lawmakers called on the governor and the leaders in the House and Senate to call a special session to consider ethics legislation.